We sincerely hope all is well for you and your family, friends and colleagues in these incredibly difficult times. We believe that once this terrible storm has passed, we will all be very motivated to stretch our legs, and together we will find many opportunities for personal and professional development.

Every day we receive calls and emails from our customers in the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland and the USA, who want to know more about our situation. We thank you and strive to provide clarity and honest answers here
We continue…
We continue to fulfill your orders, we send new quotes and advise you on new projects, we continue to do what we love to do.
We do not stop working thankfully, but we do it in a very responsible way, we are responsible to our more than 140 employees, and to you our customers.
All our colleagues who can work from home, do so with the professionalism you know… We are already starting our second week of remote working and you can count on all of us – sales agents, customer service, administration, logistics…
Of course in order for your orders of Books, Catalogues and Brochures to be printed and delivered on time, someone has to physically carry out this activity. This is why our team of pre-press, printing, binding, finishing, packaging, dispatch and delivery staff have to stay fit and very active.
Thanks to their involvement, there are no delays in the production of orders by Puliso.
We are incredibly proud of them and we do our best to make them feel good and safe at work. All areas of our printing plant are regularly disinfected, the level of personal hygiene is exceptionally high. Social distance rules are strictly enforced.
For your own information, when any person enters our plant, they stand in a container of disinfection liquid to soak the souls of the shoes, then onto a drying cloth, then they take a disinfection wipe to clean their phone and wipe their hands before entering further into the Pulsio site. I mention this point because we take this action alone separate to all the other measures by the government, which we know very well you are all experiencing.
Extremely responsible
Our employees are extremely responsible towards themselves and their colleagues, of course it helps because they love their job.
The spread of infection in Sofia
Where our printing works is located, we know from our Priminister and our local Authorities we can continue to operate, this is due to the fast strong and effective measures taken by the Authorities, more importantly due to the high level of discipline of the Bulgarian people.
The EU countries are closing the borders to non-citizens of the retrospective country, however thankfully the EU and Bulgaria recognizes the importance of transport reaching there destinations, despite the situation.
Of course, given the ever-changing events outside Pulsio’s control, there may be delays.
Time seems to have stopped. However, we are convinced this period will generate an abundance of publications. In any case, we wish you all of you the best and to make the most of it:
Develop a competitive advantage for your business
Revive some forgotten ideas
Make progress on projects that have been postponed
Take care of yourself and the people closest to you
Or simply rest.
Hopefully many people will discover or rediscover the pleasures of reading and will be thirsty for new book escapes.
Stay healthy and be optimistic. You can count on us.
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