Why choose recycled paper?

Recycled paper consists of at least 50% recovered cellulose fibres from printed paper waste.

Recycled paper is nowadays of equivalent quality to non-recycled paper and uses far fewer resources.

It can also come from sustainably managed forests like all papers offered by Pulsio Print which are PEFC and FCS certified. These labels make it possible to fight against deforestation and thus to protect the biodiversity that these ecosystems shelter.

It encourages the entire recycling sector through the sorting and recovery of waste.

Printings on different sizes of recycled papers

What can you do to print responsibly?

By favouring standard print formats for your media, you avoid large pieces of scrap paper and therefore waste. And by choosing a suitable paper weight, you limit its impact on the environment because the heavier the paper, the more energy it requires to be produced. You might also think of finishes like embossing, cutting and folding that can add creative effects without too much inking.

Does the choice of recycled paper limit your printing possibilities?

Recycled paper is no longer associated with lower quality at all. The papers offered by Cycles, Arjowiggins and Cocoon are not only made from 100% recycled fibre, but they allow neat prints, high quality media and special formats without limiting creativity. Whether coated or uncoated, satin-finished, with perfect texture and opacity, these papers combine environmental protection, performance and superior print quality – the ideal solution for both classic and high-end creative prints!

If this article inspires you and you want to print your next project on recycled paper, ask one of our advisors for more information and personalised advice.

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