Today we want to introduce you to Martin. He’s a French-born artist who lives in Berlin and who travels the world creating exceptional art with graffiti. He believes that his art, its colours, and shapes, have a positive effect on the people who walk past his work on the walls every day.

A few words please regarding your individual journey.

My name is Martin, and I am 30 years old. I started painting in 2012 following a serious accident, it was through painting that I rebuilt myself.

Where are you from?

I am from Poitiers in Vienne, France.

What is your livelihood?

I am an artist working in paint.

How long have you been writing?

I started writing to do my book, that’s all.

What are your sources of inspiration?

In my painting, it is life, the people I have met and the different cultures that I have come across. In my book, it’s my own life.

How did you hear about Pulsio? Did you research it yourself or did someone recommend us?

Via my own research.

Why did you choose Pulsio for your first title?

Good image, good presentation online, very attractive prices.

Why do you continue to trust us with your work?

A very good relationship with my contact Spaska, who greatly helped bring my book to fruition.

Please tell us a bit more about the recent book you printed with us.

I am a street artist (amongst other things) and I now live in Berlin. This first book, “Thym’Art: A wall healing journey”, retraces my artistic and human development between 2013 and 2020, through different painting journeys I have taken and themes I have explored, explained through excerpts from an interview that are spread throughout plus a hundred hand-drawn illustrations to bring the book to life. (See photos in the attachments.)

Who are your audience for this book?

It is intended for all art lovers, those who like street art, people who know me, people who see my art in their local area on a daily basis, but also and above all for professionals in the art world. It’s also a way of presenting my work in the most professional manner.

What should be the expectations of readers picking up the book for the first time?

Enter my world, my life and my artistic universe.

Which of your photos are previously unpublished?

All of the photos in the book (except for the photos of the finished works) are previously unpublished. 🙂

How long did it take you to write this book?

The content of the book (the artwork) was created over 7 years, the writing of the book took 6 months.

During this time did you have any particular experiences, did any unusual incidents occur?


Who did you entrust the graphic design work to for this title?

I took care of all the graphic design myself.

Which paper did you choose? Why ?

Semi matt coated paper, 150g / m2. This is the rendering I had in mind from the start, I didn’t really see any other option.

What guided your choice of binding? And the choice of finishes?

The idea that I had in mind of the end result, guided by the advice of my consultant Spaska.

What advice would you give to people who would like to write a book but lack the self-belief?

To take their courage in both hands, and never give up because the result is really worth it, it feels so good to hold your finished work in your hands.

Do you already have an idea for a second book?

I’ve already thought about it, but it will come naturally when it’s the right time to physically recreate my artwork of the next few years. We shall see…

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