What is the difference between RGB and CMYK

Design RGB and CMYK are two different color systems. You may know that CMYK is used for printing and RGB is used for web images and digital design for digital devices - TVs, computers, phones. What is the difference between them and why should each color palette be used as intended? RGB - nature and features In the RGB system, the basic colors in the light spectrum are blue light (red), green and blue. When these are mixed (with a value of 255 each), the result is white light. When this value is zero, it means that there is no [...]

Faithful colour rendering every time

When it comes to full-colour printing, just being good enough isn’t good enough. The end result needs to be perfect. That’s the minimum required quality standard. After the time and care spent creating your design, whether for a showcase company brochure, product launch marketing material, a graphic novel or a book of fine-art reproductions, you need to be able to find a way of converting your design into a beautiful end product, looking and feeling exactly how you envisaged the physical items to be when you finalised the design. How can you be certain that you will get this premium [...]

Digital Printing or Offset Printing: How To Choose Which is Right for You

As with everything in the modern world, printing has been changed by the arrival of the digital era. But not as much as other industries, because traditional printing is still important. The drive for fast turnarounds, variable-data print runs, and print-on-demand has led to the development of high-quality digital printing presses. This has created new options and technical advancements. So is modern digital always better than traditional mechanical? The answer is no, and this article will tell you why.  difference between digital printing and offset printing lies in the way the text and images are transferred onto the paper. The [...]

Matte or gloss? The choice is yours!

Let's start at the beginning: lamination is the process of applying a plastic film to print media to give a perfect finish to your printed documents. It protects the medium from staining and wear and tear during transport or use. It lengthens the life of your catalogues, flyers, technical documents, reports and so on. It acts to stiffen paper, to avoid damaging or creasing flyers, for example. It gives a high-quality look and feel to all your printed documents. Why choose gloss lamination? Gloss lamination makes colours bright and vibrant. It’s flashy and attractive – this is why it adapts [...]

Colourful printing!

Much more than just an aesthetic effect, colour is a powerful tool that influences the reading process and the memory of it, highlights information, and prioritises messages. In short, the overall use of colour in your printed products can have a much wider impact than when just used for images. To print in colour, you have the choice of two processes that have different outcomes: Source: Pantone.com Pantone Four-colour printing uses the colours Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black, which are juxtaposed in tiny dots to give the visual impression of solid colour. This is why this method is called CMYK [...]

Paper is recycled

Why choose recycled paper? Recycled paper consists of at least 50% recovered cellulose fibres from printed paper waste. Recycled paper is nowadays of equivalent quality to non-recycled paper and uses far fewer resources. It can also come from sustainably managed forests like all papers offered by Pulsio Print which are PEFC and FCS certified. These labels make it possible to fight against deforestation and thus to protect the biodiversity that these ecosystems shelter. It encourages the entire recycling sector through the sorting and recovery of waste. What can you do to print responsibly? By favouring standard print formats for your [...]

The New Komori HUV (H-UV) Completes Pulsio Print’s Machine Fleet

The Komori HUV (H-UV) is the latest acquisition by Pulsio Print, for €1.1 million, to be in the service of its customers. It improves print quality, shortens production times by highly efficient drying, and removes the need for a coat of varnish. Its printing system with UV inks is also very environmentally friendly, reducing CO₂ emissions by around 25%. Like all other reinforcements of the production line made by Pulsio Print in the last two years, the goal of installing this cutting-edge equipment is to upgrade our service provision by increasing the quality of our products. This new Komori H-UV [...]